playing the "yeaaaaagh" speech 600 and something times! I wish I'd been at my keyboard because I'm in a state of shock!
They were promoing Wolf's interview with Dean. And the snarky CNN reporter said: "Wow, we were talking here in the studio and we thought Dean's answer to you was angry, did YOU feel he was angry?"
Wolf then went on at length saying "No, I didn't feel his answer was angry at all, Dean is very blunt spoken and we even joked about all the coverage the speech got later." He then said Dean has mentioned before that the speech got a lot of coverage and he has a right to his opinion." He said more about Dean not being angry, but I can't remember the sentences.....
I had to paraphrase, but it was Wonderful! Really!
And his later interview with Howard and Judy was also so interesting. It seems Judy is ready now to be a "First Lady." She's saying she realizes what a "full time job it is," but Wolf "kindly" threw her a line saying, "but I understand that you might want to have patients in the White House." Dean then smiled his gracious wonderful "light up your face smile" and said well yes her patients have thought about hiring a bus to go to the WH and Judy Dean...acknowledged that she's had requests from her patients asking if they could hire the bus to have her treat them.