Virginia Muslim Attacked by Men Shouting Racist Slurs; Pregnant Woman in Islamic Dress Assaulted, Called 'Terrorist B-tch'
12 minutes ago
To: National Desk
Contact: Ibrahim Hooper of CAIR, 202-488-8787; 202-744-7726 or
WASHINGTON, Aug. 9 /U.S. Newswire/ -- A prominent national Islamic civil rights and advocacy group today called on law enforcement authorities to treat an assault this morning on a Virginia Muslim woman as a hate crime.
The Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) reported that a 23-year-old Muslim woman, who is 8 months pregnant and wears and Islamic head scarf, said she was out for her morning walk in Arlington, Va., when three white men in a pick-up truck began screaming anti-Muslim and racist slurs at her. According to the victim, the men shouted, "You terrorist b- tch, go back to your country. . .You n-gger b-tch." (The woman is African-American.)
The truck drove away and then returned as the woman continued on her walk. One of the men, who was wearing military-style clothing, allegedly got out of the vehicle and began shoving the woman and preventing her from moving away. During the assault, he shouted, "You terrorist b-tch. . . We're going to kick your a- s. . . you're nothing." The other men then called the attacker back to the truck and it sped off.
"We believe these types of incidents are the direct result of the growing level of virulent anti-Muslim rhetoric Americans are exposed to on the Internet, in newspaper editorial pages and on radio talk shows," said CAIR Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper. "Our nation's political and religious leaders must begin to challenge Islamophobic hate-mongers."
<snip> for an example of compasionate conservatism on this one, same story posted on FR: quotes:
To: Crackingham
Tawana Mohammed Brawley.
3 posted on 08/09/2005 10:20:02 AM PDT by E. Pluribus Unum (Koran 9:123 "Make war on the infidels who dwell around you.")
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To: Crackingham
"Our nation's political and religious leaders must begin to challenge Islamophobic hate-mongers."What you
need to do is talk to your buddies and tell them to stop blowing sh*t up and cutting people's heads off!
6 posted on 08/09/2005 10:20:31 AM PDT by mozrock (Is progressive American a euphemism for communist?)
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To: Crackingham
Is it proper etiqutte to put panties over a female muslims head, or should you use boxers?
15 posted on 08/09/2005 10:21:59 AM PDT by Sam's Army
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