Here in OR we are a long ways from Washington, and so are all, on the West Coast, HI, Alaska, Guam and other points W. Perhaps all states in the West and even Midwest should make some plans for a meet-up in each state in Sept. I for one wouldn't wish to go into a large city in the east, or even here, mainly to know who's who! I know there are a lot more angry, upset people here than just Dems and DUers, so all should be invited. I can afford to travel to anywhere in OR, and would start making plans to do so, if someone could help with a follow through locally. It might even be possible to have one or two Dem. public office holders to stop by. I also would be willing to contribute a little financialy, above personal expense, for needed funds to use the local media to extend invitation to all. I would be on my way to TX, if I could afford it, to be there on Thursday! OldORpioneer