WMUR/University of New Hampshire Final Poll
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Mon Jan-26-04 08:28 PM
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WMUR/University of New Hampshire Final Poll |
Edited on Mon Jan-26-04 08:32 PM by Nicholas_J
WMUR/University of New Hampshire Final Poll for N.H. PrimaryClark 11% Dean 25% Edwards 13% Kerry 36% Kucinich 3% Lieberman 7% Other 0% Undecided 6% with undecided allocated(to candidate they state most likely to supportClark 12% Dean 26% Edwards 14% Kerry 38% Kucinich 2% Lieberman 7% Other 0% Undecided 6% Breakdown by Registration Status(registered Democrat - Undeclared Party Affiliation)ClarkRegistered Democrat 9 Undeclared 14 DeanRegistered Democrat 29 Undeclared 19 EdwardsRegistered Democrat 14 Undeclared 12 KerryRegistered Democrat 37 Undeclared 34 KucinichRegistered Democrat 2 Undeclared 3 Lieberman Registered Democrat 3 Undeclared 10 UndecidedRegistered Democrat 6 Undeclared 7 Percentage of Kerry Supporters Very Confident he will win nomination 55%Percentage of Dean Supporters Very Confident he will win nomination 22%Kerry well positioned for the election with support evenly distributed among political and demographic groups.Support for Dean Concentrated among liberals and young voters.http://www.unh.edu/ipssr/survey-center/track2004.html
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