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DNC: Culture of Corruption Grows: 6th Bush Fundraiser In Trouble

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paineinthearse Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-11-05 08:27 PM
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DNC: Culture of Corruption Grows: 6th Bush Fundraiser In Trouble
Edited on Thu Aug-11-05 08:28 PM by paineinthearse
Cindy's support is growing (both on the ground and in the media), Abramoff has been indicted (see, this is turing into a pretty good news day!

Culture of Corruption Grows: Sixth Bush Fundraiser In Trouble, Says Democratic National Committee

8/11/2005 5:21:00 PM


To: National Desk

Contact: Karen Finney of the Democratic National Committee, 202-863-8148

WASHINGTON, Aug. 11 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Today, the Associated Press reported that newly elected Republican National Committee Treasurer Robert Kjellander was subpoenaed by a federal investigator probing his involvement in steering Illinois teacher pension fund investments to the Carlyle Group. Kjellander also reportedly accepted more than $4 million in fees for his work on behalf of the Carlyle Group. (AP, 8/11/05)

"The roots of the Republican culture of corruption are getting deeper," said DNC Chairman Howard Dean. "The American people deserve better from their government than Republican leaders like George W. Bush who are willing to accept campaign contributions - - no matter how tainted the source. The Republican leadership's willingness to tolerate corruption and dishonesty from their donors does not represent America's values and poses a serious threat to their party's electoral prospects in 2006."

See below for a new document from DNC Research that includes more details about Kjellander's case and a refresher about the five other major Bush donors who are currently under investigations by federal authorities.


Robert Kjellander is the newly elected Treasurer of the RNC. He is a former Bush Pioneer and ran three states for Bush's reelection campaign. He is also currently involved in a Federal corruption investigation involving his effort to secure the business of an Illinois pension fund for the Carlyle Group. Kjellander marks the SIXTH Bush Pioneer or Ranger to be named in a Federal corruption investigation. We could call on Bush to return the money, but he's already proved he doesn't care where the money comes from.

Republicans Received Over $2.5 Million in Campaign Donations From Donors Under Federal Investigations Since 2000. According to FEC filings, Republican candidates and the Republican Party have received $2,567,775 from individuals who are currently involved in federal investigations. These individuals include Sam and Charles Wyly (tax evasion), Thomas Noe (illegal campaign donations), Ralph Reed (corrupt lobbying practices), Jack Abramoff (corrupt lobbying practices), and Robert Kjellander (investment compensation). (;;


New RNC Treasurer's Records Subpoenaed in Corruption Investigation. Robert Kjellanderwas named RNC treasurer in early August of 2005, soon after it was reported that a federal prosecutor investigating corruption at the Illinois Teacher's Retirement Systems, a state run teacher's pension fund. The subpoena specifically sought records relating to Kjellander's receipt of $4.5 million in fees from the Carlyle group, for helping to land the business with the pension fund. (AP, 8/10/05)

RNC Treasurer Involved In Corruption Investigation Was Bush Pioneer (2000) and Bush Campaign Official (2004). Newly elected RNC Treasurer Robert Kjellander was a member of the elite fundraising group of Bush Pioneers during the 2000 election, raising at least $100,000 for Bush. During the 2004 election Kjellander ran three states for the Bush-Cheney reelection campaign. Kjellander recently was subpoenaed by a federal prosecutor in connection with a corruption investigation. (AP, 8/10/05;


Wyly Brothers Involved in a State and Federal Tax Investigation. According to news reports, Sam and Charles Wyly , better known as the "Wyly Brothers", are under investigation for tax evasion. In early 2005 Michaels Stores Inc. revealed that the SEC and the New York County District Attorney were investigating the stock transactions of Charles and Sam Wyly, the company's President and Vice-President. The billionaire Bush patrons are accused of setting up offshore trusts on the Isle of Man, a noted tax shelter in the Irish Sea, in an attempt to evade paying taxes on stock options. (Dallas Morning News, 6/4/05)

Republican Chairman Under at Least Six Separate Investigations. Noe was tapped by the Voinovich Administration to manage a portion of the Ohio Workers' Compensation Bureau's pension funds. "He also happened to be a dealer in rare coins. And in 1998, the Ohio Workers' Compensation Bureau agreed to invest in a rare-coin fund that he controlled as a way to hedge its holdings in stocks and bonds, an investment that experts have called highly unorthodox.... Mr. Noe's lawyers said that as much as $13 million of the state's $50 million investment in his two funds could not be accounted for. Mr. Noe, meanwhile, has become the focus of at least six investigations or audits involving either his handling of the coin investments or his campaign fundraising. Federal investigators are also looking into his contributions to President Bush's 2004 campaign as a 'Pioneer,' raising more than $100,000." (New York Times, 5/28/05, emphasis added)

Criminal Task Force of Investigators From FBI, IRS, Department of the Interior, Senate and Justice Department Investigating Abramoff . "A criminal task force of investigators from the FBI, Internal Revenue Service, the Justice Department's public integrity section, the National Indian Gaming Commission and the Interior Department inspector general's office is looking into payments Abramoff and Scanlon received from an array of clients, including 11 wealthy Indian tribes that operate gambling casinos, according to officials familiar with the investigation." (Washington Post, 7/16/04)

Ralph Reed Named in Investigation of Abramoff Payments. The Indian Affairs Committee, as part of its ongoing investigation of Jack Abramoff, subpoenaed Reed. In addition; investigators are looking into a $4 million payment that Abramoff made to lobbyist Ralph Reed, a key player in the president's reelection operation who raised more than $300,000 for Bush's two presidential campaigns. (Washington Post, 4/27/05; 4/22/05)


Paid for and authorized by the Democratic National Committee, This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
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Champion Jack Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-11-05 09:12 PM
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1. Great!
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Supersedeas Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-12-05 12:28 PM
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5. Finally, now get some folks on the Networks to make this public knowledge
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leesa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-11-05 10:43 PM
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2. Maybe we'll still have a chance to throw Poppy in jail. He should have
been there since Iran/Contra, if not earlier.
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OzarkDem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-11-05 11:52 PM
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3. Yet almost no news coverage
Could you imagine such a scenario under Clinton?
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paineinthearse Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-12-05 11:55 AM
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4. .

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