Who cares about them? We never cared much about them when we committed genocide against them (which is pretty ongoing, actually), nor when we forced the remaining peoples off their lands and gave them rotting, maggot-infested food and cut their hair and forbad them to practice their religion until about the 1970s --- why on EARTH should we care that they're offended by OUR appropriation of THEIR names and customs for something as silly, inane, unimportant, materialistic, and GREEDY as sports?
"In a survey by Indian Country Today, 81 percent of respondents indicated use of American Indian names, symbols and mascots are predominantly offensive and deeply disparaging to Native Americans.
"Indian mascots, by today’s standards, would be offensive to any other race if portrayed in a similar manner," wrote Fred Blue Fox, Sicangu Lakota. "Indian peoples are no different in regarding the depiction of eagle feathers, face paints and war objects such as tomahawks. These are all sacred to the people and therefore have no place in any sort of public display, let alone mascots."
Only 10 percent of respondents indicated use of American Indian mascots is a respectful gesture and predominantly honors Natives."
more at link:
http://web.archive.org/web/20040301122612/http://www.indiancountry.com/?43Those of you who find "nothing offensive" about it are quick to make analogies with WHITE people, who are NOT discriminated or oppressed in this society at all. The Irish once were, but I've never heard anyone in my 57 years complain that they didn't get a job because they were Irish.
But let me take something I posted in another thread and see if you can get THESE analogies:
Should we have a team called the Atlanta Darkies? Or even the Atlanta Tutsis (sp?) -- all out of respect, of course (nevermind the slavery thing, we're RESPECTFUL now). Heck in the interst of expanded and globalized trade we could go to Africa and find some nice tribe to make doodads for the team to sell, spread the wealth around a little bit. Or how about the San Antonio or Phoenix Wetbacks? Would that be okay?