Its the People who suffer....
We see this in our History books, som,ething Bush has not read/overlooked.
When a people allow a poor leader into power, they risk the harmful the effects of poor/ill advised decisions soon come home to roost.
Look to Japan and how its people suffered in WW2..
Same for Germany, Ethiopia, Rome, Greece, etc
Its always the people who suffer, see their precious cities destroyed, mountains of bodies to bury, wounded to attend to...families ruined...all because of a stupid leader who leads them into chaos....
Is Bush a madman? Look to his policies and decisions....most, if not all, are NOT based on the Common Good but for the Good of a few... This is a bad sign indeed.....
His body language and speeches reveal a disdain for Unity but an embracement of Unilateralism...sheer arrogance. There is no TOGETHER WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL. His ideas prevail...other ideas are rejected. Is the Democratic Party void of good ideas? By any means, NO. We too, have good ideas but under Bush...all non Pub ideas are stifled.
This one sided approach to governing bodes ill for America.
He divides us with the US and THEM Path... A Bad Sign/signal.
Come, we go drink, I buy.....