is the website which has compiled the most complete 9-11 Timeline based on mainstream media sources. These timelines give support to theories like LIHOP and much of Michael Moore's evidence in Farenheight 911 is identical to that of these timelines.
Cooperative Research also has timelines of the Iraq debacle. Check them out at
Sadly, they are going broke, and need help. They are looking only for $17 from anyone who visits the site on a regular basis.
Here is their ultimate goal:
The project
Imagine a website where people could go to get every single detail about every single important event relating to issues like 911, the US and Iraq, peak oil, weaponization of space, depleted uranium, Venezuela, Bolivia, US development of non-lethal weapons for crowd control, genetically engineered crops, neoliberalism, the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections, Plamegate, the Bush administration's assault on the environment, suppression of renewable energy technologies, the IMF, the World Bank, the credit bubble, US covert activity in Central Asia, the derivative bubble, war profiteering in Iraq and elsewhere, and so-on. Now imagine, that this same database contains detailed information on thousands of people and hundreds of corporations and organizations. Now stretch your imagination even further and envision that this database has information about all the relationships that exist between these entities and events. Finally, imagine that all of the data can be rendered as highly readable chronologies capable of being filtered according to topic, person, organization, corporation, keyword, and other types of criteria—and—that the website has the capability to generate customizable, scalable "context" timelines on any event with the click of a link. How significant would it be to have such a tool? Think about it for a second. It would essentially be an intelligence database maintained by members of civil society to monitor the activities of powerful interests—corporations, government officials, and the like.
Once we have completed the contribution system, the public will have the means to collaboratively compile such a database. Its quality will be ensured by a strict editorial regime made up of numerous volunteer editors publishing perhaps has many as 100 new timeline entries a day.
With this capability, people such as ourselves—dedicated to the cause of providing accurate information about the affairs of the world—will become a force to reckon with. Having this resource will dramatically improve the productivity of independent journalists, researchers, and alternative media organizations. It will be politically and economically significant because it will enable grassroots efforts to compete on a near equal footing with private industry while contributing to and enriching the intellectual commons.