The Commercial I Want to See
Commercial Opens:
Cindy Sheehan, mother of slain soldier Casey Sheehan, is seen sweating and pacing on a dirt path in Crawford, Texas waiting to get her meeting with George W. Bush. She pauses, looks into the camera, and gives a brief story about what kind of man Casey Sheehan was. Then, she says her son volunteered to go to Iraq and find weapons of mass destruction.
Enter the sickening video of Bush at the Radio and Telvision Correspondent's dinner where he mocks the WMD search by pretending to look around the Oval Office for the WMD's that weren't in Iraq. The video is all the more damaging because Bush is in white gloves and a tuxedo delivering punch lines at an elaborate dinner (contrasts nicely with Cindy Sheehan sweating her ass off in Crawford). Then show this portion of the video
"Those weapons of mass destruction have got to be somewhere - Nope, no weapons over there ... maybe under here?"