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Chron compares Cindy Sheehan to Rosa Parks; apparently doesn’t read Drudge
by Owen Courrèges | 08/12/2005 5:12 pm already knew that the Chronicle didn’t have any shame, but this latest staff editorial of theirs lauding anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan reveals that they may be simply stupid.
This is sickening. What Rosa Parks did was noble and brave. What Cindy Sheehan is doing is opportunistic, dishonest, and let’s face it – downright ridiculous. Her comments about the war have been so extreme and off-base that no president would deign to speak with her. She has said that America would be a “fascist state” under Bush’s watch if not for the internet, and says that the mainsteam media is merely a propoganda arm of the GOP.
She also prominently keeps a diary on “the Daily Kos,” a website run by a man who referred to the private security personnel who were murdered and strung up on a bridge by Iraqi insurgents in Fallujah as “mercenaries” and said that he felt nothing over their deaths – “screw them” he said. This is the company Sheehan is keeping. I have no sympathy whatsoever for her when she so painstakingly dishonors her son’s memory while associating with these heartless degenerates. Her son was a hero; she is a brainwashed fanatic.
What’s more, the Chronicle apparently hasn’t been reading the Drudge Report lately. If they had, they would have noticed that Sheehan initially praised Bush following her meeting with him a few months after her son’s death. She said the meeting “was the gift the president gave us, the gift of happiness, of being together.” Now her story has conveniently changed, and Bush was supposedly disrespectful towards her and not properly somber. Remember – it isn’t as if Sheehan reached some grand relevation on the war since that point. She opposed the Iraq War then and she opposes it now. The difference is that now she’s become a virulent anti-war activist and a dirty, stinking liar.