This resolution also called for full youth participation in "conventions, caucuses, committees and other meetings and events in our Party."
The resolution unanimously adopted by the California Democratic Party Executive Board on July 31, 2005, was discussed accurately in postings. As the resolution number was not included in those postings,I thought it was best to make note of this. Inola Henry and John Hanna presided over the resolutions committee meeting where said resolution was sent forward to the floor of the E-board. Art Torres presided over the E-board meeting where the resolution was adopted (along with the calender) unanimously.
The people of the California Democratic Party should be congratulated as they lack the blind prejudice many have against America's youth. The Executive Board members are forward thinking people who deserve a round of "thank you"s from all people who care about human rights for this great endeavor.
The Iraqi Children's War Memorial resolution is SAC05.36
14-year-old Natasha spoke on behalf of this resolution on the floor of the Executive Board. She has been pushing for this Memorial for over two years. Natasha also spoke to the resolutions committee on behalf of lowering the voting age and sent the letter to Executive Board members which was addressed in an earlier posting.
The following congratulatory note appears on the front page of the Patrick Henry Democratic Club web site:
"The Patrick Henry Democratic Club congratulates Natasha, Alex and members of the National Youth Rights Association - Orange County and NYRA - Berkeley on the unanimous adoption on July 31, 2005, by the California Democratic Party Executive Board of Resolution LA05.14 to LOWER THE VOTING AGE. This resolution also calls for "full youth participation in conventions, caucuses and other meetings and events in our Party." Good work, youth and E-board! Now is the time for all Democratic legislators to follow the wishes of their constituents.
"The Club also celebrates the passage of resolutions SAC05.36 calling for an Iraqi and Afghani Childrens War Memorial, LA05.49 calling for a ban on military use of Depleted Uranium, and SAC05.39 calling for the extradition of Posada to Venezuela (see also resolutions, below)." it never be said that the Democratic Party is not the party of the youth. The youth do much of the legwork in the party and are largely responsible for the victories the party receives. It is time for all who want to be Democrats to embrace Democratic values, including the value of honoring Democratic youth and youth rights.