, look at the FreeRepublic profile for "Trajan999"...
Since Aug 13, 2005
I believe in America. I am a liberal. I believe George Bush, Rove, and Cheney has led us down a terrible path. I am an AMERICAN, and proud of it.
NOW, Trajan999's post:
Cindy is GREAT
Posted on 08/13/2005 5:09:49 AM PDT by Trajan999
I think Cindy is a GREAT American. Bush suckered us into a war based on WMD's. None were found. Cindy lost a son as did lots of other people. We have spent billions on a con job war. I totally support Cindy. What is amazing to me is how anyone with a brain can support Bush. The war is a con job. Good work Cindy. If Bush said, "look, we want to control the middle east and steal their oil." that would be far more honest. So far he's tried WMD's, Freedom, and we have to stay there because we have to get revenge for the Americans who died there. It's amazing how anyone can fall for this crap. Iraq is now, (and it NEVER was before we invaded) the world's biggest terrorist training camp. Cindy Sheenan is a GREAT American!
FINALLY, look at the Freep-holes' reactions:
1). To: Trajan999
Well, you're an idiot now, aren't you?
6 posted on 08/13/2005 5:11:01 AM PDT by Puppage (You may disagree with what I have to say, but I shall defend to your death my right to say it.)
2). To: Trajan999
Cindy Sheenan is a GREAT American!
You're not. Buh-bye troll.
19 posted on 08/13/2005 5:12:45 AM PDT by CO Gal (Liberals, like puppies, are cute to look at, but shouldn't vote...)
3). To: Trajan999
Trajan999 joined the board today just to enlighten us...
Bye bye!
22 posted on 08/13/2005 5:12:53 AM PDT by Knute (W- Still the President!)
4). To: Trajan999
And you sir, like Cindy, are an apologist for a fascist dictator, Saddam al-Hussein, who has the blood of hundreds of thousands on his hands. You might as well cheerlead for Pol Pot and Heinrich Himmler while you're at it. It's what you lefties have become, you know. That's all you are. That's all you ever will be. Begone, troll. Be Seeing You, Chris
29 posted on 08/13/2005 5:13:03 AM PDT by section9 (Major Motoko Kusanagi says, "Jesus is Coming. Everybody look busy...")
5). To: mewzilla; mware
There has got to be a way that the next time a troll posts..we all ignore them..nobody posts a reply..they crave would drive them when you get an obscene phone callerr..a don't talk back.they get off on just either hand up or sing Amazing Grace until THEY hang up..
30 posted on 08/13/2005 5:13:09 AM PDT by ken5050 (Ann Coulter needs to have children ASAP to pass on her gene pool....any volunteers?)