CALLER: I'm going to make -- I am going to make two points. Firstly, when you say something like the Democrats just lost it, OK, they lost the election, and you don't touch on the fact that the Electronic Voting Corporation promised, publicly, to hand the election to George Bush. And we know that Ken Blackwell, secretary of state of Ohio, received hundreds of thousands of dollars to purchase voting systems in Ohio. And yet that money was left in the bank. And hundreds, you know, thousands of people in Ohio were denied the right to vote. They waited eight to 10 hours. OK?
And another point is this: The neoleft. And I'm a leftist, OK? I'm 45 years old, and I'm a leftist. But I don't believe the neoleft is leftist. They seem to be more just as status quo-oriented as the right wing.
KING: We get the gist.
MAHER: Well, first of all, we did talk about that. I did try to expose the fact that -- we did it on our last show with Gore Vidal of the last season -- that there were shenanigans in the Ohio election, and I know the Republicans said, well, you know, there are some irregularities. You know, somehow all the irregularities favored Bush. So look, I'm on the page with you. So I'll give you Ohio.
What about the other three and a half million votes that Bush won by? You know, it's -- you cannot solve this problem by just blaming the cheaters. Just assume the Republicans are going to cheat. Because they will. The Democrats have to take responsibility to win an election by getting a considerable amount of votes more than the Republicans do, even with the cheating factored in. And they don't do that by trying to be Republican, which is what they try to do.
There are 79 million people in the last election who didn't vote, 79 million. That's a big pond to fish in. Start fishing in that pond, instead of the Republican pond.