... in English, and have spent virtually all my life in technical jobs (I aced college chemistry and math). Objective measurement is fine if you're designing something. It bores the shit out of the average voter.
Ask yourself if the Republicans have ever rested their reputations on an objective assessment of what they've actually done to the public. When they've passed legislation they've promised, they've said so. It was likely horrible legislation and damaging to the ordinary person, but they made an objective measurement of their intentions v. their accomplishments. They did just what they said they would do, but it's not really an objective assessment of the damage they did by doing so.
That's the danger in trying to see politics in cold, statistical (and superficial) terms.
Re-framing, to my mind, is likely to be the death of the Democrats (I've had many, many arguments with people here over the issue well before you arrived here), because it's depending upon talk alone. The real problem is that Democrats talk the talk, but don't walk the walk, and the voters know that. Democrats are already at a disadvantage because the media gives them less exposure, so they have to be plainer, more straightforward, promise the voter they will regain the voter some equity as a citizen and then follow through on that promise. Too many details ensure they'll never be heard.
"Get the troops out of a war made of lies." That's half of a nine-second soundbite. Clear as a bell. No mistaking the import of that--and it's true--the pretext for the Iraq war was a tissue of lies. Find me just five top leaders in the Democratic Party who said that as plainly as I just did during the 2004 campaign and you win a prize.
Walking the walk means doing the number-crunching and the policy development to accomplish the aims promised the voter in the campaign. Trying to lay that out for the voter during a ten-second campaign news spot is a hopeless, godforsaken task. The good politician says, "if you want the details of the plan, go to this website, and it's all explained for you. But, this is what we're going to do, very simply."
Democrats don't need to explain more. They need to stop kissing Citibank's ass and begging Lockheed Martin for contributions and just tell the voter, we getting back to basics--protecting your interests--and then do it.