Let's see, what are people complaining THE most about...gas and prescription drug prices. Who did these companies donatye to and want in office? BUSH! But these assholes will never learn.
http://www.lucianne.com/threads2.asp?artnum=229872Reply 3 - Posted by: quark, 8/13/2005 10:20:50 AM
Hey Meehan, if you dems had stopped with your hissy fits long enough to pass this 5 years ago we wouldn't be in this mess. But of course, anything that hurts the President is tops on your agenda even if its bad for America.
Reply 4 - Posted by: rumbleseat28, 8/13/2005 10:21:07 AM
The Dems won't let drilling in the USA go forward and they won't allow new infrastructure for oil processing go forward.
I believe the Democrats are directly responsible for our fuel shortage.
Reply 5 - Posted by: Opsimath, 8/13/2005 10:26:07 AM
Rep.Marty Meehan forgets how President Bubba scoffed at the idea that gasoline was over a dollar a gallon. Clinton inasmuch called us whiners and bragged that in Europe they pay four dollars a gallon for gas and you don't hear THEM whining! So the democrats jumped on board this propaganda train and never jumped off. Now they accuse our side of running up the price of gas. No, it's you liberals who admonish hard working people to give up their cars in the name of conservation and you all still drive around in their Hummers and SUVs. Are you listening Robert Redford and Babs and Rep. Meehan?
Reply 7 - Posted by: JustRight, 8/13/2005 10:54:55 AM
The President does not have the power to lower prices on anything. Gas prices will come down when:
a) we start to use our own oil in Alaska and the Gulf of Mexico. Put the environuts have derailed this everytime it comes up.
b)stop forcing refineries to turn out some 40 different "blends" of fuel. We do not have the refining capacity - thanks again to the Dems. and the environuts who have curtailed every new refinery and modification suggestion.
Want to help change all of this? Then contact your local reps. (Congressmen,etc) and tell them you want action, not stalling, on this major problem.
Reply 8 - Posted by: Texas Ranger, 8/13/2005 11:17:15 AM
Better get used to it - - it ain't going to get any cheaper. I think even the old anti-oil crowd now sees the handwriting on the wall - haven't heard them blaming the oil companies yet.
Reply 11 - Posted by: cpmjohn, 8/13/2005 11:56:56 AM
The President could, by Acclamation, open up all of the US to oil exploration and refining. (Including pristine areas like our shorelines.)
Why would he do it?
To stop as much of the money as possible that's now "leaking" from the obscene oil income into the hands of terrorist supporters. These include unknown jihadists...those dark complected, Arabic speaking, portly gentlmen with brightly colored scarfs wrapped around their heads...who are sitting there, smiling at us.
Reply 13 - Posted by: Dixie, 8/13/2005 12:16:29 PM
I'm convinced that the President is not motivated to lower gasoline prices, for a couple of reasons. Poster #11 mentioned a good one. In addition, the President thinks that our long-range good will be to develop our own oil resources and update our nuclear energy resources. And, finally, our economy can handle it right now.
Reply 15 - Posted by: craige, 8/13/2005 12:28:12 PM
Here's the email I sent:
Instead of asking Congress and the president for help, I have taken a different route. I work at home using my computer (like any journalist could). I ride my bike into town when shopping (don't need blood pressure medication). I cool my house with an evaporative cooler instead of AC (10% as much electricity). When natural gas prices go up, I have south facing windows and a wood stove. I cut my own firewood. When my power goes out (4-10 times a year), I have a battery TV, a laptop, a camp stove, a telephone that doesn't need Edison, and candles in every room.
Like my ancestors and my children, I am self reliant. Those with above average abilities, have a duty to set an example for those with lessor abilities. Asking for government help, is not setting a good example.
Reply 17 - Posted by: tiltronix, 8/13/2005 12:32:53 PM
Send ALL illegal aliens home!
Reply 18 - Posted by: 1618, 8/13/2005 12:43:51 PM
Can we start drilling off Cape Cod now in order to help reduce the price of oil/gas???
Reply 19 - Posted by: Dolphish, 8/13/2005 12:53:17 PM
You mean the way Clinton "eased pump pain" when, right before his midterm election, he release millions of gallons of petroleum from our strategic reserves to drop the price of gas? Sure, Marty...
Reply 20 - Posted by: cpmjohn, 8/13/2005 12:55:33 PM
#13, I'm not sure if you're advocating it or just saying that the President believes that "our economy can hanle it (high gas prices) right how."
I don't believe it, but time will tell. I believe that if gas prices don't come down soon, we'll all feel some major recession real soon.
#15, while you are able and comfortable to significantly minimize your energy usage, a significant number of us can't and aren't.
Reply 22 - Posted by: slickwillie2001, 8/13/2005 1:32:25 PM
Bush made an effort to ease 'pump pain' by asking to open ANWR to oil drilling, since we know THERE IS OIL IN ANWR. The citizens of the USA and their elected officials decided that they liked the image of a few thousand caribou frolicking in a mosquito-infested bog thousands of miles away more than they liked low gas prices. The people have spoken.