1 - Posted by: TheMotherCO, 8/14/2005 2:50:53 PM
No, the headline doesn't match the story - story is much better and probably true. The man is sick of that motley muckraking mess of humanity disturbing his peace and quiet and interfering with his view. I like him already. In fact, no, I won't say that. lol
Reply 2 - Posted by: TexasTwister, 8/14/2005 2:53:52 PM
Sounds like someone was just reminding the "protestors" of our unofficial state motto.........Don't Mess with Texas!
Reply 3 - Posted by: englishleigh, 8/14/2005 2:54:31 PM
Just saw this man interviewed on FNC...he was great, a real Texas rancher and fan of GWB...he has HAD it with Sheehan and her idiots...I don't blame him. He fired the shot into the air in frustration, and local LE said he did nothing wrong, and they seemed sick of the protesters themselves.
Reply 4 - Posted by: gazelam, 8/14/2005 3:13:15 PM
In a related story, bird excrement that fell on the ecampment was attributed to VRWC sympathetic Avian-Americans non-voters directed by the Bush administration.
Reply 5 - Posted by: MaMe2, 8/14/2005 3:14:53 PM
Ms. Sheehan thinks her cause is so noble but I doubt that she would be willing to die for it. As annoying and narcissistic as they've become, I don't wish harm on any of these protesters. Casey had his priorities in check. Anti- war protesters are incapable of understading his selflessness and altruism. I guess the locals are pretty fed up with these activist trespassers.
Reply 6 - Posted by: canuck, 8/14/2005 3:17:32 PM
...dogs and fertilizer would be a better solution...these liberals would not like to have fresh sheep feces placed to make grass or crops grow.
Reply 7 - Posted by: Charles F. Nager, 8/14/2005 3:27:48 PM
I think it might be time for Crawford to
oil and 'chip' the roadway.
Reply 8 - Posted by: ladydawgfan, 8/14/2005 3:30:05 PM
Interviewed afterward, protest leader Cindy Sheehan said it was okay if the man fired his gun on his own property, so long as the bullets remained on his property as well.
Gee, how magnanimous of her to grant him permission to fire HIS gun on HIS property, ''so long as the bullets remain on his property as well!!!'' She's a peace-flake. What in the heck is she gonna do if the bullets DON'T stay on his side of the fence???
Reply 9 - Posted by: Dishonorable Dems, 8/14/2005 3:37:57 PM
For reporters newly awakened to the fact that our troops are human and have human mothers who care deeply, the real Gold Star Mothers continue their long, noble tradition of helping one another heal, honoring their loved ones:
''Perpetuating the Noble Principles for which They Fought and Died.''
''Cindy Shaheen is currently in the news. She and her organization have no connection whatever with American Gold Star Mothers, Inc. We are a 501 C(3) organization and, as such, do not engage in political activities. We do support our troups. After all, they are our children.'' -
Reply 10 - Posted by: concho queen, 8/14/2005 3:39:15 PM
Actually in Texas, as long as you are defending your property, you have the right to shoot at perpetrators. So no one needs Cindy Sheehan's permission to shoot. I've read of a case in Austin where a man called out a warning to two thugs stealing the man's car from an apt parking lot. The thugs didn't stop, the car owner shot, one of the would-be car theives died. No charges filed.
Reply 11 - Posted by: jj1319, 8/14/2005 3:47:16 PM
#10, I know the shooter. He's a mechanic and a very fair guy.
Reply 12 - Posted by: Dreadnought, 8/14/2005 3:48:06 PM
He doesn't need a gun. As a rancher he should know that an animal carcass or two at the fence line should do the trick.
Reply 13 - Posted by: afraidfortherepublic, 8/14/2005 3:55:27 PM
I like the suggestion of chipping and sealing the roadway -- after a lot of dusty plowing first, of course.
And what does that poster mean UNOFFICIAL motto, I thought that was adopted by state law -- Don't Mess With Texas. It used to be on all the billboards when I lived there. I was certain it was part of Lady Byrd's highway beautification plan. ;^)
Reply 14 - Posted by: StormCnter, 8/14/2005 4:12:16 PM
Actually, the official state motto is "friendship", which is kind of dumb, because it isn't a motto at all. "Don't mess with Texas" is our battle cry.
Reply 15 - Posted by: Moonspinner, 8/14/2005 4:23:04 PM
#8 Ditto. I read that and thought why you (can't use the word) 'itch. Who do you think you are anyway? I'll be sooooo glad when this unwashed peacenik gets the hell out of Texas. I wish that rancher would rig up some loudspeakers and play some Toby Keith songs at 'em...full blast. LOL LOL LOL
Reply 16 - Posted by: Yorkiemom, 8/14/2005 4:27:01 PM
I bet most of Texas is getting sick of Miss Cindy. Maybe she should just head on up to DC.
Reply 17 - Posted by: jj1319, 8/14/2005 4:34:54 PM
The best thing Lady Bird could do to beautify the state is build a fence around those daughters of hers.
Reply 18 - Posted by: dandeedon, 8/14/2005 4:47:19 PM
#15, egg-zackly what I was thinking, with a little Charlie Daniels and Lee Greenwood thrown in for good measure.
Reply 19 - Posted by: KarinG1, 8/14/2005 4:54:16 PM
He must be new around here. If I fired there would be casualties.
Reply 20 - Posted by: Cisco, 8/14/2005 4:57:59 PM
Just caught part of an interview with the neighbor on CNN but couldn't tell who was the commentator.
But he seemed rather pussified and concerned about a firearm being discharged in the vicinity of Camp Latrine.
This guy should invite fellow Texan Kim du Toit and a bunch of his pals over for a little target shooting. Kim is a recent transplant to Texas. The motto on his blog is"
Turning America Back Into.....
A Nation Of Riflemen
.....One Citizen At A Time Reply 21 - Posted by: doubting thomas, 8/14/2005 6:10:39 PM
How wonderful! And he reportedly is not in trouble with the LEOs or SS men.
That herd of human scum protesting and trying to embaress the President are not worth one microsecond in jail or a penny's worth of fine however.
Now if there was a dairy nearby a truck load of cow droppings like we put on the fields might be in order, reeks for days,
contains the stale liquids and solids.
Where are you Dairymen near Crawford when we need you?
Reply 22 - Posted by: CorkysDad, 8/14/2005 6:14:41 PM
Thats Texas. Time to drive a heard through the group. Some cow poop on them would be an improvement.
Reply 23 - Posted by: flybynight, 8/14/2005 6:35:15 PM
I sure hope some of the locals and town councilmen are reading this thread. Obviously a little civic improvement needs to take place-- some fertilizin', some road pavin', some good ol' country music for local color- I like the thought of Greenwood in particular. That real twangy patriotic song of his, over and over, at top volume. Yeah. Y'all show those invaders some (altogether legal) Texas-style hospitality!
As for the private property abutting, I'm sure something truly obnoxious-smelling can be parked right close to the fence.
Surely the local lawmen have already ascertained, repeatedly, that nobody there is concealing any illegal substances on their persons, right? Shame on me for entertaining wicked fantasies about the volunteer fire department coming to see about a brushfire on that corner. I've heard tell that those big hoses can be hard to handle accurately at full pressure...
Reply 24 - Posted by: Coy860, 8/14/2005 6:49:07 PM
With the extreme heat, and no bathroom facilities, I don't see why she isn't picked up by Law Enforcement and placed under observation in a mental facility. You just can't camp on the side of a road any old place.