(Originally posted in GD but folks this is important, another examople of what is the matter with Kansas)
okay folks first off using a shotgun when drunk is not a good idea, that said... folks this happens in the country side far more often than city folk have any clue about.
Now what many of these posts, over here, larry is a cook, larry is deranged, you get the idea, tell me is... damn right the civil war is not over and now it is about them city folks thinking the country bumpkins are a bunch of idiots, who have no idea about things like the first amendment and all that
Ok, one of my professor at one of them fancy colleges, in a city no less, once told me something that applies here. Your rights end right at the point they infringe on somebody else's rights.
What does this fancy words mean, Larry understands this, and made his point, you fancy city folk are invading my privacy, (which is actually a right), You are also stepping on my property... (that one is in the Declaration of Independence... pursuit of happiness anyone?)
Now, I am not saying that Camp Casey should just pack up... but step back folks and realize that yes, we may very well be infringing on Larry and bo and the rest of the boys. They are not the most sophisticated of people... but when it comes to those things called their privacy and their property they actually have a leg on all of us, who live in the big city. Heck my downstairs neighbor has to live with me changing my tub... and all that it implies including the noise and the dust... that would never even occur to larry. That is why Larry is fed up.
Now what is this telling me though, this is why we have blue cities in an ocean of red country side... we city folk seem unable to understand that these country boys are very sophisticated in their own way... how many of you can read the weather, just by looking at the sky? Anybody? How many of you know how to go hunting for rabbit and how to dress and cook that rabbit? don't give me the but bunnies are cute, bunnies are food. How many of you know when to plant and when to harvest, or how to read the mood of a bull? How about how to raise chickens, yes even in industrial farms, how many of you have ever done that kind of back breaking work? (I have I volunteered to do it, silly me)
So is Larry correct in being annoyed that a bunch of city slickers showed up and parked in front of his house? In a way he does, his rights start right up where mine end...
Now fact is folks, he may have invited the whole county, as some of you are afraid he did, to shoot some doves (peace nicks), never mind dove hunting season is in September and truly he is afraid we will be there in September, truly ruining dove hunting seaon... well actually we are... doves will not stop near his property this year... they simply won't, too many people and doves may have already have started tricking in, but they won't stop and he will miss on that, the rhythm of country life. But if you all believe the Secret Service will allow a bunch of country boys who are ARMED that near to the Preznit, anybody care for the Brooklyn Bridge, I think I own the deed... which is also part of the problem.
You see when we all leave, and by that I also mean Bush and the SS boys, he is going to still be there... the sheriff knows that... but them Feds and them city slickers will be gone....
Now if as we all believe, this is the beginning of the end of the Bushes and the beginning of a peace movement, larry might be thinking that this place may become like oh Selma, a place them city slickers go on a regular basis on them silly pilgrimages... yes I give him that much foresight, ok.
So how do we start winning the country side? first start understanding the country side and leave the stereotypes to the side. Larry is truly a country boy, one who likes to shoot his shot gun with a couple of brewskies, I hope the sheriff talks to him on that... not safe... but he is still a country boy who understands at a very innate level that his property rights, (perception is reality) are now under threat, by no less them city slickers and feds he does not like, or did anybody miss that interview where he said that DHS could have declared his property eminent domain and taken it away from him? Go look it up, because this is a classic city versus country and if we are going to start winning in rural areas better boone up on the lingo and the good ol home boy attitudes... and not put them down.