I got an email from Jennifer Granholm's campaign today about a recent poll regarding next year's election. The whole message is good, but look at the second paragraph.
Over the past month, the Governor’s lead over Dick DeVos has grown to 20 percentage points, and her share of the vote increased by 5 points. The more the state learns about DeVos the less they like him, and with good reason. He may be able to buy the Republican nomination for Governor, but he cannot sell his past -- exporting jobs from Michigan to China.
Republicans are stuck with a weak candidate, and they know it: Nearly half of the people who are familiar with DeVos have an unfavorable opinion of him and more than half of the Republicans polled would pick a candidate other than DeVos to represent their party in the general election.
However, with many months ahead and the Republican record of mud-slinging tactics, we need to build Team Granholm and raise money to compete against the Amway fortune.
Meanwhile, the Governor’s plan to change and restructure Michigan’s economy is creating the kind of environment where businesses want to grow and thrive. Her jobs mission to Japan was a success, already attracting 650 new jobs and $116 million in investment. The number of people who are employed in Michigan has increased by more that 70,000 since she took office and her administration has stemmed the jobs losses that peaked during the Engler Administration. During this time, direct action by the Governor has also created or retained an estimated 229,000 jobs.