Lest you think we are neglecting the core Downing Street investigation, we have not. As regular readers know, on June 30, more than 51 Members and I submitted a comprehensive Freedom of Information Act request to the White House and various Agencies, to give us the information to get to the bottom of the charges inherent in the Downing Street Minutes.
Well, the time deadline for an intial reponse has lapsed, and the Administration has largely ignored us. While the Pentagon did contact my office and suggested modifications to narrow the request (which we did), we heard nothing from the White House or State Department. As a result, I submitted an appeal late last request to the White House and the State Department. Afterdowningstreet.org has a copy of the letter. I will be closely monitoring this situation in the days and weeks to come, and further legal actions may be necessary.
http://www.conyersblog.us/archives/00000204.htm#commentslinks to letter at link above.