stupid, Bosshog ~ can they do anything else?
Their stupid, blind support of this war made it possible for this president to launch a stupid and tragic war against Iraq. Maybe deep down they know they are responsible for all the death and destruction that has happened since ~ all the heartbreak, the dead children, the shame that has been brought to this country by the torture policies of their beloved leader.
That's why those crosses bother them. Up 'til know their leader protected them from having to look at the results of their support for a war that has made this country a pariah instead of an inspiration around the globe.
They can't face what they have done, imo. Ten years from now, Cindy Sheehan will still be without her son, as will tens of thousands of Iraqis and Americans, and history, by then, will have recorded the truth ~ most people already know it.
They should, if they have any decency, do what some of those Representatives are doing, admit they were wrong, and apologize to the loved ones of the dead. Rep. (freedom fries) Jones, Sen. Rockefeller, and today, another Sen. have already done that.
And if George Bush had any decency he could stop all this, face Cindy Sheehan and let her tell him what she thinks of him. Surely he can handle the anger of a mother who knows he lied? Is he really that much of a coward? Unwilling, once again, to take that small consequence for his actions? This is what they admire. I feel sorry for them!