I'm not sure what to think about the private guards. Are they really on the Pentagon payroll? Perhaps this will be allocated as a "foreign aid" cost. Just a thought.
Will Shiites, influenced by their Islamic clergy, believe their sheer numbers - an estimated 60 percent of the population - grant them the right to rule via imposed rules that please that clergy?Well, they could have forced passage of the any draft constitution to their liking through the general assembly yesterday (or weeks ago)but I suspect the Kurds and the Arab Sunni would not accept Sharia rule. Try this article on al-Sistani
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6920460/site/newsweek/page/4/But he has set down some guidelines that will have to be followed. "He rejects any role for the clerics in the governance or administration of the country," says Shahristani. Al-Rubaie, also a member of the United Iraqi Alliance's executive committee, confirmed that. And Sistani will insist that Islam is the national religion, with no laws that contradict Islamic principles. But at the same time, as he once told a Shia politician, "there is nothing written in the Qur'an about elections." Will Kurds, about 15 percent of the population, forgo a secular independent state for Sharia based Shiite State.Doubtful. Kurds are by Muslim standards, rather secular in outlook. Becoming part of Shia-stan is not their idea of a satisfactory end to this whole affair. Fortunately they don't seem to want independence, so they say
http://www.helenair.com/articles/2005/08/16/ap/headlines/d8c140e00.txtWill Sunni Arabs agree to being poor - no piece of the oil pie, as they are ruled by Shiites who both rule their southern Federation and rule all of Iraq?Unless the Sunni participate in the Constitutional process they will wind up partitioned away from the oil reserves, in poverty, and isolated forever. What future is there is being Loser-stan, with Zarqawi and his merry jihads chopping off heads? Terrorism by Iraqi Sunni is just plain stupid - they should be forging a political alliance with the Kurds. I hope, when the Sunni come to realize that Zarqawi stands between them and their fair share of oil revenue, he's toast.
Can we get an US type 1788 compromise where women are counted as 3/8ths of a person?.....Look, we both saw pictures of Iraqi women lining up to vote in last January's election. They did not strike me as the sort of women that are going to lie down and get, metaphorically, screwed over. Maybe, just maybe, if the Constitution does acknowledge Sharia law, the female half of the population will vote it down in October.
Try this article
http://www.opinionjournal.com/editorial/feature.html?id=110007112Hope this helps.