Tell me DUers - why has John Kerry suddenly become so attractive? After he won Iowa, his popularity soared. Was is because his die-hard supporters had been hanging back, waiting to make their move? Or was it because he suddenly seemed electable and that caused a wave of undecideds or not-so-sures to gravitate towards him?
I do know this - John Kerry has been a career politician most of his adult life. He's an insider and knows how to say whatever we want to hear to get a vote. His terrificly professional campaign staff saw a way to play the veteran card, and boy are they ever. They've managed to take a very boring man and turn him into something else. The media has played along and the repugs have given their blessing. Regardless of his voting record, I see very little that shows me John Kerry is a leader and can really make a difference in this country. Nothing will change if he manages to defeat *.
I don't want this type of candidate. I want someone who has a vision, who maybe isn't the most polished politician, who maybe doesn't fit the mold. I want someone who speaks out strongly about the injustices made by the current administration. That's why even though I support Clark, I'll be perfectly happy with Dean. Or Kucinich, even though he doesn't have a chance in HE-double- toothpicks.
In the end though, and perhaps reluctantly, I'll support whoever gets the nomination because I am a Democrat. My desire for change may have to wait.