I posted this late last night, updating here.
Great news from Camp Casey Last Night. Mike Malloy talked to Cindy, her spirits are way up; they are moving the camp to private property and tonight many candle light vigils will honor her work. There are many Satellite "Camp Caseys" going up all over the country, Cindy says around ONE-Thousand!! I have been greatly heartened by all of the activities, and concur with Cindy when she says they always felt like there was nothing anyone could do while GWB "got away with murder". Now that attitude is finally changing.
I was so moved to begin seriously "Supporting the Troops".....that I shipped out a "Care Package" yesterday to a Young Private Serving in Afghanistan. I teared up when I left the Post Office, because I knew I was finally doing something to help the People caught in the Crossfire of War. I knew I had to do more than just voice my support or buy a stupid yellow ribbon.
I know now that the end is in sight for this National Nightmare we are all going through, and all it took was a Truly Honest Little Mother, who can rattle the cages of the Mighty, all the way to the "Highest Office in the Land"! Cindy is truly a Hero, just like her son... do not let anyone in your presence say otherwise. Put a sign on your Car, on a telephone pole, in your Front Yard: "I Stand with Cindy", then find the spirit in you and go to work. Do not back down for one second. God Bless you Cindy, and also
nadinbrzezinski, the great lady who helped me find out what an Honor it is to help out another Young Hero serving his Country. Thanks........