As the days have passed and Iran is building their WMDs, reports appear to have filter out to concerned members of the "recovering addict" status and bloggers. For the longest of time, I have heard Bush being compared to General Varus, a politican and not a solider, a man who's hubris caused him to send families into the Black Forest and today archaeologists are still recovering the bodies from the massacre.
The weakest point of the argument for war was that Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein had a connection; however, this was bordering on sheer idoicy because Osama Bin Laden agrees with authoritarian theocracy whereas Hussein was a secular leader.
We have entered that country and Bush has spent the majority, if not all, of his "well earned" political capital over this expedition. And, now we are considering Iran as a potential target without the necessary political capital around the world.
Perhaps, those of us who compare Bush to Varus are incorrect. Perhaps Nero is the more apt comparasion, the more apt historical figure that we can nominate. Nero was born into a wealth family with a powerful mother that insured his position by the death of his father. And, just like Nero, Bush blames his problems on members of other sects; specifically us as Liberals and those who do not support and agree with everything that he wishes. Bush forgets the allies of Iran, in the form of the Great Bear (Russia) and the Golden Dragon (China). Their anger with be shown only through their response against us, especially since Iran sells to both of these countries.
All this makes me wonder, when the air raid sirens are singing their hollow song over the streets of Washington, D.C., if we will hear the solemn vibrations of a song played on the violin on the balcony. However, cowards being cowards, I figure that we will see the endearing image of a man speaking on television and radio, explaining the reasons for his resignation and for the hardships the American people.