Everything they're saying is a lie.
There is no "rational" explanation for the volatility and high prices of crude in today's markets.
* NOT A SUPPLY PROBLEM: Peak oil isn't here yet; worldwide production is meeting supply. There's enough oil to go around for now. Refineries aren't sitting idle waiting for tankers to show up.
* NOT A REFINERY PROBLEM: There's no build-up of stocks laying around waiting to be refined; terminals are buzzing as usual. Why make a long term investment costing billions when domestic consumption is expected to flatten out due to future efficiency and conservation savings?
* NOT AN IRAQ PROBLEM: Its a good excuse for the jitters, but problems there have no significant impact on current global supply/demand.
Oil prices are set by traders working in five or six markets throughout the world. We have to ask THEM why prices are so high. There is something wrong with the trading system. There is something wrong with the market. The market is being manipulated. Why?
1) US deficits eroding value of the US$. Europe and Asia sell us things. Oil is sold in $$$. They use our $$$ to buy their oil. When the $$$ falls, so does profits for the oil producers. If they can't recycle their $$$ in the US markets the whole economy on three continents falls.
2) Big Oil knows Peak Oil is right around the corner. Gasoline is still relatively inexpensive-- especially compared to where it will be in 10-15 years. They're getting us ready for the future. They know their future profits will be greatly restrained by the consequent global slow down so they're getting it while the getting is still good.
3) Failure in Iraq is weakening US strategic position. Foes are getting stronger, allies abandoning us. Big Oil's great protector, the US military is exposing its limits. Possibility of future LOSSES is real so they need to stock up in case the shit storm starts spiraling out of control.
Its time to start bringing order and sanity to the markets before they destroy our economy even more than it already is. We need a Windfall Profits Tax to take away some of the incentive for gouging. We need to get our deficits under control. We need de-escalate tensions in Iraq and the Middle East.
We need a drastic change in course.