Obviously, this is a non-functional replica of the form on John Conyers' blog:
Write to Your Local Media and the Crawford-Area Papers
Cindy Sheehan has waited a long time for answers from the President. Answers to questions about the Downing Street Minutes, about the real reasons for war in Iraq, and to what end was her son asked to sacrifice his life. Right now Mrs. Sheehan is staging a vigil outside the president's house on a sun-baked dusty road in Crawford, Texas waiting for Bush to talk to her and offer a real explanation for why we are in Iraq.
Cindy is prepared to wait as long as it takes for the President to meet with her. Write to your local papers expressing why you think Bush should meet with Cindy. Be sure to make specific reference to Cindy Sheehan in your comments themselves because this form transmits your personal message only.
Constituent info:
FirstName: LastName:
Addr: Apt/Ste: City:
State: Zip: Phone:
Next, write your letter to your local newspaper:
All comments should be appropriately respectful and in acceptable taste, with a maximum of about 250 words. Your signature will be added automatically. Submission of this form constitutes authorization to publish your letter in your nearest daily paper as determined from your address
The way to have maximum impact is by sending invitations to as many of your friends and neighbors as possible and encourage them to make their voices heard also.
Submit the email addresses of friends to invite to speak out:
Keep me informed on the status of this issue and any response from the White House
I have a family member who has served or is now serving in Iraq or Afghanistan
Now send your messages