Subject: Rep. DeGette: "Tell Bush to Withdraw His Veto Threat"
August 17, 2005
Folks, please support Representative Diana DeGette in this effort.
Go to, and
tell President Bush not to veto the stem cell legislation sponsored
by DeGette. For those not familiar with her, Representative DeGette was the one who introduced HR 810 six months ago. This is the single most critical piece of stem cell legislation in years -- possibly ever. It has passed the House, and is hopefully on its way to passage in the Senate (keep those letters coming! But President Bush has threatened to veto it.Please read Representative DeGette's email below, visit, and tell
your friends to do the same.And remember, the Senate vote has still not taken place. Until it does, that battle is not over. So if you've not yet sent a letter -- do it today.
(Letter from DeGette follows)
Dear Friend,
It can get ugly here in Washington - especially with Tom DeLay and
Republicans in Congress abusing their power on a daily basis. But
even under these difficult circumstances, Democrats in Congress can
still win inspirational victories that make it all worthwhile.
The six months since I introduced my bill, H.R. 810, to expand stem
cell research are such an inspirational time. When President Bush
won re-election, most political analysts thought the hopes of
millions of Americans for serious stem cell research were dead. Even
fewer thought that the House of Representatives would challenge the
President when he threatened to veto any bill lifting his stifling
limitations on stem cell research. But now Senate Republican Leader Bill Frist has found it in his conscience to stop obstructing hope, and to support expanding federal support for stem cell research. This makes it more likely that the Senate will pass our bill, which Democrats pushed through the House in May, and send it to President Bush's desk.
I applaud Senator Frist for choosing compassion and hope over the
demands of the extreme right. Stand with me in demanding that
President Bush do the same: Tell President Bush to Withdraw His Veto Threat on Stem Cells. In his nearly five years as president, George Bush has never vetoed a bill. To do so now would be devastating to the 110 million Americans who could potentially see their lives and their children's lives improved dramatically or even saved. This should not be a partisan issue. The progress we made on this
legislation in a Congress that is normally ruled by an iron
Republican fist (or hammer) shows that, in the end, it need not be.
The extreme elements of the Republican base have tried to cast this
as an ideological battle. But Republican Senator Arlen Specter, who
is co-sponsoring the Senate version of the stem cell bill and who
has been diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma, has brought the debate
home for many of us:
"The scientists know more than the people in the White House. And
the scientists tell us they have enormous potential to cure diseases
like the one I'm suffering from...I think it is scandalous when we
have the potential to save lives and we're not doing so."
Tell President Bush to Withdraw His Veto Threat on Stem Cells.
When Congress returns from recess, President Bush will have to make
a decision on whether to obstruct the clear will of the American
people and dash the hopes of millions on behalf of a few fringe
supporters. Please stand with me in asking President Bush to have
the courage to do what's right for all of America, and for people
across the globe. You and the DCCC have stood together and helped this issue gain the national attention it deserves. Over 10,000 of you have already signed our petition, and hundreds of you wrote in and helped to create a massive archive of stories from across the country explaining why stem cell research is personal to you. This is not about politics. We've overcome the opposition of Tom DeLay in the House and now we've drawn Senator Frist to our side.
We need to get another 10,000 signatures and show the President that
passing this legislation - not doing the bidding of his radical
supporters - is the will of the people. There is only one obstruction left. Tell President Bush to Withdraw His Veto Threat on Stem Cells.
Thank you so much. Sincerely,
Rep. Diana DeGette
Colorado's First District