before!" trumps all:
Imagine this.
You have an acquaintence. Let's call him Bob. Over the years, you know that Bob knows someone you've never met, Joe.
One night, Joe is out drinking, and ends up wrecking his car while driving drunk. In this process, your teenage daughter is killed in the car that Joe hit.
The next time you see Bob, not long after your daughter's funeral, he expresses his condolences, and you think, "Well, that's nice. Compassionate of him."
A year later, you are having lunch with someone who doesn't know that you are an acquaintence of Bob's. Your lunchmate remarks that he/she overheard Bob talking about the night Joe killed your daughter. Seems that Joe was at the bar with Bob, and Bob saw that Joe was shit-faced drunk. Staggering out of the bar, barely able to keep his feet. In fact, Bob even helped Joe into his car, not even offering to take his keys.
Now, you'd want to confront Bob on the fact that he could have stopped Joe from driving that night, and that he could have driven Joe home. But Bob was complicit in letting Joe drive drunk. The result, the death of your daughter.
Now, you would have every right to confront Bob on this, right?
Suddenly, after calling Bob on his answering machine and leaving a message about wanting to talk about that night, you notice that he runs the other way when he sees you.
This is what Cindy Sheehan is facing. And she's getting hammered by the MSM for it . . .