Edited on Fri Aug-19-05 06:51 AM by Phoebe Loosinhouse
Gas prices are HURTING millions of Americans where in hurts - in their immediate and personal pocketbooks. Can we please seize this moment for the opportunity it presents - could Democrats initiate a serious discussion on the future energy policies of this country?- Could they expose this adminstration's policy for the secret, sinister, fraudulent,corporate welfare, wealth-tranferral, path-to-hell-in-ahandbasket- system that it really is?
I am disgusted with all leadership on this issue since Jimmy Carter. We had a brief moment in the eighties with federal tax credits for solar and the like and since then everyone has been in the pocket of the oil industry. Why doesn't George Bush rescind his tax breaks for the wealthy and instead lower federal taxes at the gas pump?
On a side note, I know all about increased demand,peak oil, etc.etc.etc., but am I really supposed to believe that there was a 66% increase in demand over the couple of months?