my post on this topic:
Is Bush using the Sheehan situation for political gain? (consider) the events of September 11, some people reject outright MIHOP or even the milder LIHOP, but no one doubts that the Bush Administration USED the situation for political gain. They took a disaster and ran with it; they used it as an excuse for everything; they used it to maximize electoral success; they used it to attack their opponents.
Now consider the possibility that when confronted with the Cindy Sheehan situation...Bush's adviser (read Karl Rove) saw countless opportunities for political gain for Bush by NOT meeting with her, at least not right away.
- When was the last time you heard about ROVEGATE in the news? or the DSM? Have you heard a peep about either, even on the extreme left blogs? Or is everyone talking about the Sheehan situation? Just a few weeks back, every newscast every day was about Rove and how he betrayed Plame. Remember how Scotty sweated and stammered in that press conference? Is the Sheehan situation being allowed to happen and even being drawn out to draw fire away from Rove and his criminal acts?
- How often do Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity et al talk about Sheehan and fire up the conservative base by fueling resentment? Nothing fires up the conservative base like resentment. These people took resentment over the civil rights legislation of the 1960s and ran with it, outright calling it a "Southern Strategy". The conservative base has become (slightly) more placid since they got over gloating about the 2004 election. Need to get them fired up before the mid-terms.
- Bush NEEDS to get out of Iraq BEFORE the mid-terms. He needs a pretense for quitting that will save political face. Would he try to paint a (belated, faked) heartfelt response to Cindy Sheehan as a case of him being sympathetic AND responsive to the demands of the American people to get out of Iraq? He He is of course, NOT responsive to the demands of the American people, but if he can do something he WANTS TO DO ANYWAY, and make it LOOK LIKE responsiveness, he will. Is there any BETTER way, from a political angle, for Bush to get out of Iraq? Would anything else make him look better? Would anything else be a such a dramatic pagent?
The callousness, the arrogance, the contempt for the American people, and the Machiavellian manipulation of the Bush Administration are beyond anything ever seen before. Remember the example of 9/11: the death of over 3,000 people and the loss of billions of dollars were VERY CLEVERLY USED, to MAXIMUM POLITICAL BENEFIT.
None of this is meant to denigrate Cindy Sheehan and the fantastic thing she is doing. Everyone is very excited about the grassroots swelling of the anti-war movement, the rallys, etc. I just think we need to consider the possibility that Bush might use ANYTHING to his advantage...and consider the stark contrast in the news coverage from Rovegate 24/7 a few weeks ago to utter silence on the issue now. And consider the counter-protests and the coverage they get. And consider the firing up of the conservative base...and 1000 other things that an evil mind like Karl Rove can use to his benefit in the face of an (apparent) political disaster.