Kevin Drum of the Washington Monthly's Political Animal threw down a blunt
challenge last night to Democrats who don't support an early fixed date for withdrawal from Iraq, basically suggesting they don't have a clue about what to do and simply don't want to appear "weak" for cynical political reasons.
He cited my last post--a brief discussion and link to a couple of New Republic articles--as evidence of this cluelessness, if not the cynicism.
Well, I didn't know I wasn't allowed to write about Iraq without articulating a full-blown plan for the country, but speaking only for myself, yeah, I have a few thoughts about what we should say and do, based in part on Larry Diamond's long-standing recommendations:
1) Publicly announce the United States is abandoning any plans for permanent military bases in Iraq to make it absolutely clear our presence is temporary.
2) Publicly announce benchmarks that will trigger withdrawal of American troops, including approval of a constitution and election of a permanent government; specific levels of trained Iraqi troops and other security forces; and renunciation of demands by major Iraqi communities that are incompatible with a stable and pluralistic regime (e.g., Kurdish right to secede, Sunni Arab privileges in a strong central government, Iranian-style Islamic Republic).
3) Initiate direct negotiations with insurgents.
4) Renounce any public or private-sector U.S. designs for control of Iraqi natural resources
5) Launch an internationalized reconstruction effort which explicitly renounces U.S. exclusive privileges, with special attention to assistance from Sunni Arab countries
The goal would be to leave Iraq with a half-decent chance of maintaining a sustainable government without civil war, foreign domination, or a permament base of operations and recruitment for al Qaeda. The main strategy would be to convince, through carrots and sticks, the Kurds, Sunni Arabs, and Shi'a to step back from their maximalist demands, while creating trans-communal political and security institutions. The philosophy would be to dramatically invest Iraqis with complete responsibility for their common future. And while they would not provide a guaranteed, fixed date for final U.S. withdrawal, the benchmarks would immediately create tests for Iraqis that would either lead to greater stability in the country ad large U.S. troop withdrawals in a matter of months, or would make it clear it truly is time to cut our losses and leave with a brief effort at damage control.
Now, there are all sorts of objections that can legitimately be made about every line I've written above, but the same is obviously true about every other approach, including "timed withdrawal," which even its advocates admit will likely lead to a failed state and chaos. And if you think my suggestions are stupid, then check out the very
detailed plan articulated by Wes Clark, another opponent of "timed withdrawal," who has forgotten more about military operations and nation-building than Kevin or I will ever know.