There isn't enough blood in the world to sate their hunger.
His base is made up of religious fanatics and delusional sociopaths, who even if they witnessed him killing a child in a Satanic ritual would still support him.
He is supported by a military chain of command whose only interests are being promoted and climbing the social ladder, and even some down in the ranks support this monster, as they watch their buddies life blood bleeding into the sands of the Iraqi desert.
He has a base that do not have any reverence for the US Constitution, and would shred that document if they only could. He is supported by politicians that march in lockstep with almost everything he wants.
Those that support this madman, are nothing more then traitors to this country and what it was supposed to stand for, that includes the civilians and the military personnel that support him.
We can no longer allow any of his suppoters a free pass, they must all be held responsible for the actions of this man and his cabal.
To do any less would be to sound our own death knell!!!