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that main article on the interstate is weak

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montana500 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-20-05 07:59 AM
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that main article on the interstate is weak
"Running On Fumes: A Journey To The End Of Empire"

What a bleak, depressing article. Interstate travel is fantastic IMHO. Hopefully, with new leadership we will have new energy-oered cars that cause less problems.

And he needs to know that while we do have too many roads, many interstate drives also take you to the last spectacular scenic areas, like the nothern rockies of Montana, Wyoming and Idaho.

That dude needs to get out more.
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Gildor Inglorion Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-20-05 08:37 AM
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1. I hate to disagree with a fellow Democrat, BUT...
I truly believe that the Interstate Highway System is the worst thing that ever happened to this country. You couldn't TRY and come up with a system of transportation that is more inefficient, destructive, and economically damaging. It was possible, even convenient, to get to the Rocky Mountains long before the interstates slashed their way across the landscape. While the highways in Montanta may be scenic and fun to drive (alas, I have not had the privilege of visiting that state), take a look at the interstates around Atlanta, Houston, or any other great American city with very little public transportation available: Instant parking lot. My relatives who live in the Atlanta suburbs have ONE topic of conversation - how to get from point A to point B. Personally, and it's really all I can do, I refuse to drive on interstate highways. We could have invested 1/20th of the money we've poured into highways since World War II into improving the existing railway system and would have been 1,000% better off. And just to be fair about things, the airline/airport system is a close runner-up to the interstates for the inefficiency and destructiveness prize.

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