I read this post on daily.kos yesterday. The poster bashes that statement by laying out the assumptions/agreements upon a person joins the military - as I say, one ought to be able to trust their commander in chief - here is one principle/assumption that a person makes when joining the military:
(2)As a volunteer you are at the mercy of your own fellow citizens (including your own family) whom you trust to be willing and supportive in making sure the leadership does not waste your vital blood, devotion and patriotism in pipe dreams, self-interested agenda's and ideologies; That leaders are driven by a genuine desire to involve the country in on-going mutual participation and compromise regarding foreign policy before resorting to force as a last resort.
http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2005/8/19/112943/462Very good post for DUers to read - as it crystalizes the response that I am sure we are all giving to this poppycock statement.