Wildly tongue in cheek Humphrey Bogart voice, talking to Katherine Hepburn.
Ya see Kate, its not about you and me, its not about me staying away for months on end. Its about that 92 year old guy getting ready to vote, shuffling his walker up the main walk there. Its about the way his wife looked at me like she was still proud of what her warrior had accomplished, and said " My husband served in the army in WW2, he was in Europe". And the way he added "Normandy". with a look in his eyes like he had just hit the beach that morning. Its the way he looked at me sideways and asked me "we gonna take this guy out?", and added "we can't take another 4 years of this". Of course I told him "yeah, we're gonna take him out. We're gonna throw some big numbers at 'em, and its not gonna be close". Then he looked to the door and proclaimed "Well then I better go vote now. Yeah Kate, its about those kids who signed up and went to a land far away and when they came back, not all their friends came back with them. It's about that 92 year old guy and his buddies. They didn't argue about what to do, it was "we gotta job to do, so lets get to it". Kate, take a look across the Boulavard there, that playground, with those kids running around and playing ball. Do ya see that freckled kid flying a kite with his dad. Remember Dave Kuch from school? I saw him the other day, and guess what, he's married to great gal. And they got 3 kids now. So when I gotta leave and go to Florida for a month, its not about you and me Kate. Its about those kids
Like when we went to the movies last week and afterwords we went to that new ice cream joint downtown. And the kids that work there, they slap the ice cream around on the counter singing some song, and they mix up stuff in it like candy or cookie bits. I remember you had the Strawberry shortcake with real shortcake, fresh strawbeeries and whipped cream all mixed into the ice cream. And remember that school girl at the mall who was lookin' for those shoes you wanted in the right color and in your size. And she found them after 6 tries. Ya see Kate, thats who its about. Its about those kids. Thats what that 92 year old guy is about. And his 12 million pals, Kate. My dad is one of those pals. You know, he was in the Navy. He served on an Escort Carrier in the Pacific in '45. He keeps telling me he didn't see any action, and I guess thats true. By the time he got out there, a lot of the hard work was done. But ya see, we dropped the bomb, but he did'nt know that. He knew nothing about that A-bomb. As far as he was concerned the fighting was goin' to go on for another year or two. But he knew that Tojo and the Nazi's had to be stopped. He was 16, and he knew that. As soon as he was 17 he got his Mom to sign off on him joining up. Even Charles Lindberg, he got in on the action, and he had a rep as a Sympathizer. But when push came to shove, he pulled the trigger and shot down 2 planes. 'Cause he knew it was about the kids. They all knew that the Nazi's were comin for us, and sure they were scarred. Just like I get scared, we all get scared. But that doesn't stop us.
Remember I told ya about when I was like eight or nine and we were comin back from a canoe race in Vermont in Febuary. We stopped at a little picnic place on the side of the road next to the river so my Mom could heat up some stew. There was another family there too and this little boy, I think his name was Jimmy, he was playing next to the river and fell in, and I jumped in and got him. Ya dont think I wasn't scared? Anyone would have been scared to jump into an ice swollen river in Febuary, fully clothed. It didn't stop me though, I got him and you know what, his mother turned around and saw me in the water, over my head, bobbin for air, holdin' her boy up high so my Mom could grab him. And that lady ran over and beat me over the head with her umbrella like I was the Creature from the Black Lagoon. She was scared too. But her fear stopped her from thinking right. Can you imagine that, beatin' me over the head. I was the only one who could get to the kid in time, and I knew it. I knew I had to do it. Or the river would've swept him away. My fear didn't stop me. And thats what these Nazi's are countin' on, Kate. They're figurin' that folks will be so scared, that they wont do the right thing. Just like that lady did. The one person in the whole world who was in the right spot at the right time to grab her kid, and she acts against her own interests. Thats what happened last November, a lot of folks acted against their own interests.
I know that my parents got thru the depression and then they fought WW2. Thats really a hell of a combination of events. Would they have had what it takes to fight the Nazi's if they hadn't gone thru the depression? Kate, I don't know. I don't know if they could've done it. But they did, the stopped the Nazi's cold. And you know what? I realize now that my parents made me of the same stuff. I know now that I got what it takes to stop these Nazi's cold. Ya know Kate, there's a lot of kids like me whose parents got thru the depression and then won the war. We know what we gotta do
The way I figure it Kate, just like that 92 year old guy, I got job to do. Just like my Dad, and his buddies. And when the job was done they came home. A lot of 'em started families, I guess that was as good a time as any, to have kids, after they all saved the world from the Nazi's. But now things are going bad again and that 92 yer old guy and his buddies aren't in any kinda shape to do it again. So its our turn Kate. Our parents fought the good fight and won. Ya see for them it was about the kids too. The kids in the ice cream shop. The kids playing ball at the playground. And now its our turn, we owe them, we owe it to them for what they did. I owe that 92 year old guy, I owe my father. And its time for payback.