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Judge berates US failures as 9/11 supporter is convicted

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welshTerrier2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-20-05 11:38 PM
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Judge berates US failures as 9/11 supporter is convicted
Edited on Sat Aug-20-05 11:42 PM by welshTerrier2
here's an excerpt from bush's speech to the nation on 9/11/2001:

"The search is underway for those who are behind these evil acts. I've directed the full resources of our intelligence and law enforcement communities to find those responsible and to bring them to justice. We will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbor them."

was 9/11 a LIHOP? maybe ... a MIHOP? maybe ... has there been a suppression of information about it? definitely !!!!! ... that's no conspiracy theory; that's the facts ...


Judge berates US failures as 9/11 supporter is convicted

A GERMAN court yesterday convicted a Moroccan student of belonging to the al-Qaeda cell responsible for the attacks on America of September 11, 2001, but acquitted him of direct involvement in the murder of nearly 3,000 people.

Mounir al-Motassadeq, 31, was sentenced to seven years in prison for membership of a terrorist organisation, but the judge ruled that the more serious charges were not proven, in part because of a failure by the US authorities to co-operate with the prosecution.

In a three-hour judgment, read out before a court in Hamburg, Judge Ernst-Rainer Schudt said that the US Justice Department had refused to co-operate fully with the German court.

“How are we supposed to do justice to our task when important documents are withheld from us?” the judge asked.

more ...

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snowbear Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-20-05 11:46 PM
Response to Original message
1. Wow.. the judge is definitely making a statement..
Hopefully the story will also be covered by the U.S. media!! How embarrassing for the idiots at the U.S. Justice Department..
- - -

p.s. Welsh Terrior (off topic).. but that puppy picture of yours is so cute! I love terriors! :hug:
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welshTerrier2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-20-05 11:55 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. comments about my sweet doggie are ...
never "off topic" ...

the bush WH has been the most secretive in history ... everything is suppressed so that they can paint any picture of what's going on they want to ... and the useless American media? the reality is they could make this a page one story ...

but it won't be covered in the US ... the MSM is prepared to let Americans go on believing that, while he may have messed up in Iraq, bush has done a great job with the terrorist threat ... that's what a majority actually believes ... it's just beyond absurd ...

bush should be pounded by the press for this ... of course, he would say they did all they could to help the prosecution but could not reveal more information due to national security concerns ... and the press will print exactly what he tells them to print ...

and the Democrats? will they directly challenge bush on his handling of terrorism and help Americans hear what the German judge said about the lack of cooperation he received from the US? will they call into questions bush's motives? will they suggest the possibility that there has been a huge cover-up of information about 9/11 that goes well beyond national security concerns ...

we really need to ask ourselves who will tell Americans the truth ...
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rumpel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-21-05 12:08 AM
Response to Reply #1
4. It was in today's LA Times,1,4630345.story?coll=la-headlines-world

9/11 Defendant Sentenced on a Lesser Charge
In a retrial in Germany, Mounir Motassadeq is acquitted of being involved in the attacks.

By Jeffrey Fleishman, Times Staff Writer

BERLIN — A Moroccan with links to the Sept. 11 hijackers was sentenced Friday to seven years in prison for belonging to a terrorist organization, but a German court found he was not involved in the plot that killed nearly 3,000 people.

The verdict came in the retrial of Mounir Motassadeq, 31, a former Hamburg university student and friend of Mohamed Atta and two other hijackers. In 2003, Motassadeq became the first person convicted in the Sept. 11 attacks. However, the case was overturned by an appeals court that ruled he had been denied access to testimony of alleged Al Qaeda operatives in U.S. custody.


This dilemma further angered German prosecutors last year when a friend of Motassadeq, Abdelghani Mzoudi, was acquitted of similar charges after the U.S. government refused to turn over information.

The U.S. Justice Department would not provide witnesses who were in its custody but reportedly shared summaries of interrogations of alleged Sept. 11 plot mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and of Ramzi Binalshibh, thought to have been the liaison between Al Qaeda and the hijackers.

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welshTerrier2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-21-05 12:17 AM
Response to Reply #4
5. notice that the judge's strong condemnation of the US is omitted
it seems like there's quite a difference between the tone of the two stories ... the facts are essentially the same except that the British press coverage put the judge's condemnation of the US right in the article's title ...

it's no wonder Americans don't have a clue what's going on ...

since i don't have an account with the LA Times, i couldn't determine whether the judge's comments appeared at all ... but if they did, i suspect they had all the bite taken out of them in the way the LA Times reported them ... the American people are drowing in propaganda ...
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Contrary1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-21-05 12:06 AM
Response to Original message
3. Could it be
that Smirk & Co. knew he wasn't involved?
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welshTerrier2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-21-05 12:45 PM
Response to Reply #3
6. that gives them way too much credit ...
there's no way bush or any of his little friends give a damn about anybody but themselves ...

of course, maybe that's exactly why they didn't want to make more information available to "the outsiders" ...
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