Rosa Brooks: 'She's paid for her access in blood'
Posted on Saturday, August 20 @ 08:46:16 EDT
Cindy Sheehan deserves to meet with the president as much as those forking over the big bucks.
By Rosa Brooks, Los Angeles Times WEEK, the Bush motorcade sped by Cindy Sheehan on the way to a Republican National Committee fundraiser, literally leaving her and her fellow protesters in the Crawford dust. Sheehan, whose soldier son was killed in Iraq, was left wanly waving her hand-lettered sign: "Why do you make time for donors and not for me?"
She should have known that this is how it works in America. Only those who fork over the big bucks can count on getting an invitation to President Bush's Texas ranch. That's why Republican donors struggle to raise the $200,000 needed to gain the coveted RNC honorific of "Ranger."
The major donors who met with Bush in Crawford understand that it's all about getting access. Like Sheehan, they want some face time with the president. In fact, they're exactly like Sheehan — only richer, and without the dead son.
So far, Sheehan — who must not have noticed that "compassionate conservatism" isn't really the administration's thing anymore — has tried to appeal to Bush's humanity. Maybe it's time for her to change tactics. Here's my advice. Sheehan should do just what all those RNC "Rangers" plan on doing: Cash in on her past donations and demand the access she's owed.