If the repugs wish to lose the congress, they will continue on the war path. The majority want an expedited exit from Iraq,with some moderate repugs calling for the U.S. out by the '06 election.Remember Powell's words to the shrub "if you break it , you own it". Afghanistan has returned to Taliban control, except for parts of Kabul, the Capitol. This is the same scenario as when the Soviets attempted to control Afghanistan.They failed, the U.S. will fail also, just as in Iraq. It's looking more and more that Iraq will be an Islamic State, not a Democracy , the Sunnis have boycotted the Constitutional process saying they have been thrown only a bone out of the riches of Iraq, and being a minority, they will be one side of civil war, they, being thrown out of power by the American invasion, they are the deposed Baathists, the party of Saddam.They have 10 years of munitions, food , water, in caches underground, where they rest in cool safety. May I remind all, the Viet Cong won their war from this stragety. Lets recap Afghanistan was abandoned to the Taliban, for Iraq, and will return back to the Taliban completely, the election process will be bloody , and unsuccessful according to those who admit the truth there. Iraq will not be a Democracy, but an Islamic State, denying liberty to it's women, and Sunnis, who will foment civil war to fight for their share of Iraq's riches; oil. Bushco ( neo cons) foisted a coup in the Pentagon, and from this purge of the Pentagon, all intelligence was skewed, losing any historical, or factual perspectives of the region,the post war planning was ignored intentionally, a foolish mistake.
What are we fighting for? Is a victory attainable in either Afghanistan , or Iraq? All signs say no. How many more deaths of Americans, Iraqis, Afghanis will be allowed by the American people, until they wake up, and demand an exit in Iraq, and a purging of the Taliban in Afghanistan, the root cause of all the carnage?