and instead reason from the premise that he is a truly diabolical tyrant whose apparent "stupidity" is part of his carefully manufactured camouflage, then you get an entirely different picture of the administration's REAL Middle Eastern policy: that the escape of bin Laden, the rebirth of the Taliban in Afghanistan and the deterioration of Iraq into Islamic theocracy are all deliberate expressions of Bush Administration INTENT. I don't know why this is such a difficult concept for people to grasp -- save perhaps a stubbornly prideful refusal to abandon the "Bush stupid/me smart" approach to politics. Whatever the reason, if one reasons from the premise that Bush is doing his Saudi Arabian family-friends (and thus the Jihadists in general) a huge favor by actually supporting and furthering Islamic theocracy, everything else falls neatly into place: Occam's Razor, the principle of parsimony.
Moreover, the underlying notion of an alliance of Christofascists and Muslims united on the basis of their mutual hatreds of women, gays, "abominations" and ultimately all liberty everywhere is anything but tinfoil hat dementia: here are three (infinitely disturbing) links:,,1398055,00.html Conservative link is especially relevant because it reflects the extent to which even the secular part of the Right Wing is increasingly frightened by Bush's pandering to Fundamentalism whether Christian or Islamic. Bottom line, Bush is looking to build a functional alliance of Christofascists and Jihadists -- first in the United States, ultimately in the whole world. Apparently he sees himself as the new Caesar -- perhaps, given his fervid Christianity, a new Constantine -- especially in the sense that the Caesars so frequently united all the often-feuding religions of the Roman world into an empire that lasted nearly a thousand years.
Add class-struggle to this horrifying equation and the five parts of the Bush strategy become perfectly clear: (1)-further the global oligarchy in its post-New-Deal/post-Soviet take-back campaign (outsourcing, downsizing, cancellation of health insurance, abolition of pensions, destruction of the social safety net, etc.); (2)-further the global oligarchy in its post-New-Deal/post-Soviet re-concentration of wealth (skyrocketing prices -- oil, executive salaries, insurance, prescription drugs etc.); (3)-reduce the peoples of the world to abject poverty and therefore defacto slavery; (4)-opiate the oppressed masses by fundamentalist religion, whether Christofascist or Jihadist; (5)-divide the world between Christofascist theocracy and Islam's global caliphate, maintaining peace via the interconnections of capital (note the U.S./Saudi relationship) and using religion (and especially the persecution of all dissidents as "heretics") to ensure the oligarchy retains absolute control forever.
Jeer all you like, but no other hypothesis explains all the Bush variables -- both its singular roots and its diverse branches.