Even though he didn't address this question to the freeps, it is one that they can wrestle with when no one's looking.
The Machine has shown that it can skillfully swift-boat anyone:
John Kerry Max Cleland Plame & Wilson Cindy Sheehan Richard Clarke Al Gore Howard Dean Michael Dukakis Michael Moore
On and on and on... Hell, you could even say that Saddam Hussein was swift-boated to some extent.
Here's Bartcop's point: our image in the Mideast (and around the world) is in the crapper ever since we first embarked on the War on Terra. Why haven't we swift-boated Osama Bin Laden? After all, he's the chief mastermind behind the "Event that Changed the World Forever," the reason why we fired up our military (supposedly). And he'd be a prime target: spoiled rich boy who hides behind religion and slum-chic to send his followers to their own deaths as they kill innocents (wow, that sounds eerily familiar!).
Surely, it's not because the Machine only goes after true patriots or (getting back to Bartcop) because Bush and Bin Laden have an under-the-table agreement with each other (which would also explain the curious lack of attacks since 9/11 in the US, despite reports of how vulnerable the country remains).