Why not, it's about the easiest vote they could ever hope to get. I suppose if I was a crooked Repbulican politician, I would also look to this base of people for 50 or 60 million easy votes.
Once upon a time.... Karl Rove to Bush: "Junior, get religion. You can become president if you do." Bush: "How do I do that? I don't know the first thing about it." Rove: "Boy, you ARE a fucking imbecile, aren't you. Just tell them you were born again." Bush: "Got it, boss! Thank you, sir!"
I've got nothing against sincere people looking for help from above, but good gawd, so many of these people are so obscenely naive it's pathetic.
It's like taking candy from a baby. All you have to do to see how easily these sheep are won over is watch a couple minutes on TV where some lying minister is preaching his gospel in a jam-packed stadium and hordes of people are looking up at the sky with their eyes closed and lips moving in unison as if the lying scoundrel on stage is God himself talking down to them.
As if a murderous lying traitor like Bush is really religious. Gimme a break.
Can't these people see they're being taken to the cleaners by this insincere thug of a president and all the phoney baloney fundie-preachers like Falwell who all reside together in the pockets of the oil people?