Hagel seems to be putting his neck on the line but is he just being the first GOPer to listen to the poll numbers...Interesting thoughts from Tapped...
ALL BARK, NO BITE. In the last week alone, Senator Chuck Hagel has compared Iraq to Vietnam, repeated his line that “the White House is completely disconnected from reality,” and said that the US is loosing in Iraq. Just yesterday he told George Stephanopoulos that "We should start figuring out how we get out of there.”
That kind of honesty might seem refreshing at first glance. But lost in the hype over a Republican maverick on an off-message binge is the small detail that Hagel, in his capacity as a United States Senator, supports no policy for actually withdrawing troops from Iraq. For in the world according to Hagel, ‘start figuring out how we get out of there,’ does not actually involve starting to think about how we get out of there. Hagel, for example, has consistently refused to breach what Sen. Russ Feingold yesterday called “the taboo on talking about a timeline.” So before war skeptics consider Hagel one of their own for saying things like "The longer we stay, the more problems we're going to have" or “we need to be out of there,” it's important to remember that he refuses to offer any tangible support for making that latter outcome more likely.
Not unlike the time that Hagel voiced eloquent concern for the damage that John Bolton could do to American interests as UN Ambassador, then voted for him anyway, Hagel's current jockeying is nothing but empty rhetoric.
--Mark Leon Goldberg