The DLC was NOT and is NOT a movement that emerged from within the Democratic Party to represent a popular opinion. The DLC has NO grassroots. There was no convention of Democrats that got together to decide to form an organization to represent their voice inside the Democratic Party.
The DLC IS lobbying organization financed exclusively by BIG Corporations whose purpose is to
DESTROY the traditional Democratic Party by INCREASING the POWER and INFLUENCE of BIG Corporations inside the Democratic Party, formerly the party that represented Human Rights, LABOR, the Middle Class, The Working American, and the poor!
Have Clinton and his allies in the Democratic Leadership Council succeeded in changing the philosophy of the Democratic Party into a New Democratic one? To the New Democrats, the answer seems clear. To them, not only is the era of big government over, but, in the words of the DLC's chairman, Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman (D-Conn.), "the era of the party of big government is also over."
In 1998, New Democrats began to look beyond the impeachment scandal -- and even the Clinton presidency. They focused on ensuring that their philosophy, and the politics and policies implicit in it, outlasted Clinton's second term. For instance, the New Democrat Network (a political action committee independent of the DLC) and the New Democrat Coalition (the DLC-allied bloc in the House) intensified their activities to elect New Democrats to Congress. Looking toward the 2000 elections, the DLC in September 1998 launched Blueprint, a quarterly journal designed to elucidate core New Democratic beliefs, new policy prescriptions, and political approaches for the next election. The DLC even looked beyond the country's shores to add meaning and gravity to the New Democrat philosophy. Beginning in earnest with the election of Tony Blair and his New Labour government in Great Britain in May 1997, the DLC began advancing its philosophy as the core of a worldwide "Third Way" revolution in center-left politics.
Indeed, surveying the state of the DLC, Bill Schneider wrote that the elected officials who founded the organization "could hardly have imagined, back in those dark days, that 14 years later, the DLC would succeed in changing the country's governing philosophy. But it has." As Frank Watkins, a close political aide of Jesse Jackson, lamented about the Democratic Party, "The DLC has taken it over."
The New Democrats apparently have begun this long march. The DLC has made training of a new generation of New Democrat leaders one of its primary objectives, continuing its efforts to work with and influence up-and-coming state and local officials. The New Democrat Network has grown quickly, increasing its ability to fund New Democrat candidates for federal office, including those running in primary contests. The Democratic Party is a BIG TENT, but there is NO ROOM for those who advance the agenda of THE RICH (Corporate Owners) at the EXPENSE of LABOR and the POOR.