Today I was contemplating how much Commander Clusterf#@k's disaster in Iraq has weakened our strategic position and emboldened Iran's hardliners when it dawned on me: what if that's part of the master plan?
What if the Iraq debacle was a ploy to shift the regional balance of power to Iran's favor and then get in bed with them? What if current hostilities are merely stagecraft to hide this invidious conspiracy? The conventional wisdom that our countries hate each other is the perfect cover.
But what are the facts?
1) We sold arms to the mullahs
2) RR gave them a cake and an autographed Bible
3) Cheney sold them nuclear parts
4) Bush II* tipped the regional balance of power in their favor by destroying Iraq
5) Bush II* is creating an autonomous Sh ia Islamic republic in the south of Iraq
6) Bush II* has provided the context for a nuclear Iran
Everyone knows Iran, NOT Iraq, is the
geopolitical linchpin of the 21st century (see Zbigniew Brzezinski "The Grand Chessboard"). It has the world's second largest oil reserves and is located geographically at the crossroads of central Asia: where Europe, Russia, China, and the US military intersect. He who controls this territory owns the 21st century.
The golden age was when the US owned Iran, before Mossadegh and during the Shah's reign. Bush I went overboard supporting Iraq in its war against Iran (see Unger's House of Bush, House of Saud). Gulf Wars I and II were fought to slay the monster he created. It would be much easier if one of the two countries had hegemony in the region-- and WE were allied with the hegemon. Why beat 'em when you can join 'em?
Each party would have a lot to gain. Bush*s cowboy talk has reversed the momentum and swung the Irani electorate to back the hardliners after it seemed moderates were beginning to assert themselves. Cowboy America is needed to keep the hardliners in power. Iran's recalcitrance helps keep the hard right in power here. Israeli hardliners also benefit.
The people in each nation would never guess that their leaders' ostentatious antagonism is fake and only a ploy to hold onto power.A secret pact between Iran and the US would give the alliance control of Iraq's rich southern oil fields and control of the gulf. Kurds could not create their own independent state, much to the relief of Iranis and Turks. Its not very well known that there is a Sh ia majority in the eastern oil fields of Saudi Arabia. If revolution breaks out in SA they would surely join this alliance.
This arrangement would maintain control over China, keep Russia at bay, and guarantee oil to the Europeans. A pro-US coup in Iran is impossible, so this way everybody wins. This is a strategy even DLC'ers would buy into. But it requires tremendous PR.
And what have we seen over the past four and half years except nuthin' but a tremendous PR game?