George Bush epitomizes both. He is the scion of the "Leisure Class" and not even the pressing calls of duty of a President in a time of war will hinder him from his barbeques and bicycles and brush cutting, even while sonless mothers weep in his front yard.
Hence our Presidential vacuum. George Bush has no more moral authority or leadership role than a bobble-headed replica of him in the back of an SUV with a plastic yellow ribbon emblazoned on it. He is AWOL from his Presidency just as much as his questionable time away from the TANG.
George Bush is a wimp! He won't face bereaved mothers, he won't face the press, he won't face the world. He speaks in platitudes and bromides and bumper-stickerese as his incompetent, sophmoric, narcisisstic world-view takes us into a vortex of unending nation building - (too bad we're building Islamic theocracies!oops- sorry!)
So George, show some guts! Stop talking to VFW halls and your little Republican teaparties with your homies. Get out and do what a REAL President does - show your face to the American people.