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My letter to Mehlman about his "hardball" interview

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splat@14 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-22-05 08:29 PM
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My letter to Mehlman about his "hardball" interview
Couldn't help it, he pisses me off anyway so I had to write his lameass, repuke, bobbleheaded asshat self.

Dear Mr. Mehlman, (OK, so I was being polite)
I listened to your interview from MSNBC's "Hardball" and quite frankly I'm disgusted at the continued association of the events of 9/11 and the war in Iraq. You stated about the war in Iraq:
It is "The central front of the war on terror"
We are approaching the 4th anniversay fo 9/11 and that we need to "prevail" in Iraq to ensure that "the next 9/11 doesn't happen".
"the president is taking on terrorist all over the world. Think of the Moms and Dads of the folks that were lost on September 11." we have to remember that "taking on the terrorist there makes sure that you and I are safer over here."
I'm not going to belabor the point here as I figure you won't read it anyway but, the attacks of September 11th, 2001 in New York, the Pentagon and Pennsylvania had nothin to do with Iraq and Iraq had nothing to do with those attacks. The President himself said it.

However, since that time, the President and every other individual even remotely close to the Administration cannot make a speech on any subject without the trademark "September 11 - Iraq" combination in complete contradiction to the facts. The only reason we are at war in Iraq is because this President and his Administration lied to the American public, Congress, and the rest of the world about Saddam's WMD. Don't get me wrong, Saddam is a bad guy. However, he was a bad guy back @ 1990 when we were giving him weapons and Rumsfeld was over there shaking his hand.

If you truly believe in what you are saying, I'm not sure of your age, but you should join the Army to demostrate your allegance to this Adminstrations policies. If you are above the age limit, then you should be talking to members of your family that are eligible to get signed up. You can also convey your enthusiasum about elisting to young Republicans where you find them.

Eat shit & die, Abusive letter to follow,

To close I really gave him my address to show the letter was valid. I know, he won't read it, or give a crap if he does.
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RUMMYisFROSTED Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-22-05 08:37 PM
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1. Eat shit and die.
A salutation that has sadly fallen out of fashion. :cry:
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ellenfl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-22-05 09:02 PM
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2. motormouth mehlman . . . talks fast so he doesn't forget the script.
i have a really hard time watching him. good for you with that letter. you're right, he probably won't read it but i'm sure YOU feel better!

ellen fl
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