Feinstein to Question Roberts on AbortionBy BETH FOUHY
The Associated Press
Monday, August 22, 2005; 7:53 PM
SAN JOSE, Calif. -- California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, whose vote on
Supreme Court nominee John Roberts could guide other Democrats, said
Monday she will scrutinize his views on abortion and congressional authority to set social policy.
She called the impending debate over Roberts' nomination a "big, big
As the only woman on the 17-member committee, Feinstein said she
has a "special role and a special obligation" in grilling Roberts _
particularly on his views about the 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision
legalizing abortion.
"I happen to feel that it would be very difficult for me to vote yes
on a nominee I thought would overturn Roe vs. Wade," she said.
Feinstein met privately with Roberts shortly after he was nominated.
Since then, Roberts' writings on many matters that come before the
court _ including sex discrimination, race relations and environmental
protection _ have emerged in thousands of pages of documents released
by the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and the National Archives.