They were talking about the crisis in Niger. There was a guest from Oxfam and a guy from Africaire. Africaire's perspective was (very) generally, "natural disasters -- no policy can change that!" He didn't have any prescription that required too much sacrifice by the west.
At the end of the interview, after talking about a lot of little things, the Oxfam guy said (paraphrasing), "but there are three things that would make a huge impact: (1) the west has to stop subsidizing its own farmers so that developing countries can't compete in the one area where they are able to, (2) debt relief..."
Woops. Perhaps that broke the ground rules, because he got cut off. "Sorry, we're out of time" were the words that came out of what's-her-name's mouth when talk turned to debt relief.
We never heard what number 3 was.
Any guesses?
Perhaps he was going to say that multinational corporations can longer treat developing countries as cheap sources of labor and resources. The need to be allowed to develop their own economies.