Especially the 30 day-long vacation Bush took just prior to 9/11. By "making an issue", I mean national commericals reminding people about the vacation (with scenes of Bush on his hammock), the Democratic party as a whole getting on message to rail against Bush's vacations, pointing out how the spectacle of Bush sleeping on his hammock and playing with his dog for 30 days made this nation look like a nation whose leader was completely out to lunch.
Ah, sorry. Nothing we can do about it now.
I guess the moral of this story is this: during political campaigns, don't let anyone -- including those here on DU -- tell you not to strike out on your own to campaign for a candidate in your own way. If someone, say, on DU says "You think you can do a better job than the Kerry campaign? Let them handle the campaigning. They know what they're doing," regard that person as a agent provocateur/Freeper/jerk/whatever. You should go ahead and try out your idea -- like rally support and funding for local TV commericials, etc. I know I didn't do nearly as much as I was capable of, this past election, and I won't make that mistake again.