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Quiz time! Identify the Right-Wing Talking Point™! It’s easy & it’s fun!

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Elidor Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-24-05 08:36 PM
Original message
Poll question: Quiz time! Identify the Right-Wing Talking Point™! It’s easy & it’s fun!
Who said it?

1)The revelation that some U.S. troops aren't saints should not come as too great a shock, at least to grownups. By dwelling obsessively on U.S. misdeeds while ignoring the far more heinous crimes of what is quite possibly the most barbaric insurgency in modern times, anti-war critics betray an anti-American bias that undercuts their credibility.

2)America's work in Iraq is not yet done. We, therefore, urge you to oppose calls to withdraw troops from Iraq prematurely, before the new Iraqi government is able to consolidate its authority and defend itself against Sunni insurgents and foreign terrorists. This is not the time for casting anxious glances toward the exits.

3)The Jan. 30 election was a triumph for the decent majority of Iraqis who braved terrorist threats to demonstrate their commitment to reconstruction of a unitary state and to a representative government in Baghdad. It was proof that our efforts in Iraq were neither doomed from the start nor doomed to failure today.

4)How are we doing? On the plus side, Saddam's meek surrender to U.S. troops punctured his image as a latter-day Saladin, deprived the resistance of its most potent symbol, and slammed the door shut on a Baathist return to power. More prosaically, the coalition has restored electricity to much of the country, schools have reopened, and markets are bustling in Baghdad again. Coalition forces still face daily attacks but the body count tilts massively in their favor. And by agreeing to hand back sovereignty to a transitional Iraqi government as early as June 2004, the coalition has eased Iraqi's fears of an unending American occupation.

5)Amnesty International likewise stumbled into the quagmire of moral equivalence in a report that absurdly analogized Guantanamo Bay, where 500 prisoners remain, to the Soviet gulags, where millions perished. The usually level-headed Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) was forced to apologize after falling into the same trap. Activists rationalize such witless hyperbole by saying it's the only way to get Americans to pay attention to what their government is doing wrong. But this is the political equivalent of a compound felony: insulting voters' intelligence while offending their patriotic sensibilities.

All these articles and official position papers and more can be found at:
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whistle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-24-05 08:41 PM
Response to Original message
1. This sounds like Dick Cheney....
...I can almost hear his low steady alarm hum voice rattling off these talking points as though they are facts being channeled to him by God.
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Elidor Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-24-05 08:52 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Now that you mention it...
It does.
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